Parlant de roses… rosa damascena
Any Joan Salvat-Papasseit
Presentació de l’espai més . . .
III Jornades de Perfum Creatiu i Experimental

7th International Craft Awards

New Delhi –  भारत, Bhārat

Dr. Ghada Hijjawi-Qaddumi Honorary Award for Excellence to

Esperança Cases Prats, Perfume (Spain)

ICA – “Esperança Cases Prats has around 35 years of experience in Creative and experimental perfumery. From limited edition creations and one hundred percent oriented, in the scope of artistic expression she has shown how this ancestral craft can create perfumes outside of commercial consumption. Congratulations on your glorious years !”


E X P O S I C I Ó A U T O B I O G R À F I C A   

L’exposició recull sis perfums que parlen de mi: tristesa, origen, passat, sexualitat, assetjament i creativitat.
Empremtes de Catalunya