Junior Perfumerist Revelation of the 2020

The insecure hand of the learner materializes between doubts and passion, the knowledge acquired from the teacher, building on every drop, his own creative wake.

Through the days, of the questions and agreements he built capficada between the formula and the pipettes, you sense the emotion of the discovery of ancient alchemies that the student projects by creating new spaces with their own imprint.

The entrance into the magical world that structures the smells of dreams, in what he had not imagined to have within reach, pushes him on a new path, that despite the setbacks, you will not be able to stop perfuming.

From the experimental perfumery studio Bcn Art Lab® (Formative study of The Secret Garden®) will be presented, soon the Junior Perfumerist Revelation of the 2020. This is a degree that a person has acquired through their learning, passion and dedication that materialized in one of the most beautiful perfume works ever smelled.

This person like so many, I did not know that I could be a creative perfumer . He had never stopped to think that he could compose a wonderful symphony made of rich chords from the garden of the world.. He didn't know it until his hands were mixing materials along the lines of the story that gave his debut his name..

Next week I will introduce the person who has obtained the title of:

Junior Creative Perfumer Presentation, Revelation of the 2020

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