The perfume of a poem

inspired by the poetry of Joan Salvat Papasseit

Perfume of a poem – tribute to Poema de la Rosa als Llavis (The Poem of the Rose on the Lips) by J.S. Papasseit
The poem in the image is Omega by(Óssa menor (lesser bear)), the only manuscript I have found. A writer's letter, to me it is like his face, I would like to be able to look into the eyes of the people who have made me emotional, and maybe as a crafter I'm curious about the tool they used. Unfortunately it is so difficult to discover the writing of a writer...

It was difficult for me to assimilate the name of the poem in the book El Poema de la Rosa als Llavis (The Poem of the Rose on the Lips) what my amateurism understood as a title with 24 + 5 poems and 2 calligrams.

I did not delve into this point because the reading of much of El Poema de la Rosa als Llavis (The Poem of the Rose on the Lips), absorbed me, in the first time I read any work of Joan Salvat Papasseit.

Everything was thanks to the order of the Vila del Llibre (Town of the Book) and the Fàbrica de Lied (Factory of Lied), to create the perfumes that would accompany La Rosa Groga als Llavis. It was the staging of a free and updated interpretation of the legend of Saint George, where he supported the princess and the dragon represented political repression. The characters materialized in the voice of one tenor, the performance of a rhapsode and the music that the composer Eduard Toldrà wrote for El Poema de la Rosa als lávis.

La rosa groga als llavis (The yellow rose on the lips)

Perfumes and music were the props of this multidisciplinary event that was performed at Montblanc Town Hall and then under the direction of the Fàbrica de Lied (Lied Factory), started an itinerary in Sant Hilari de Sacalm and will end in La Pobla de Segur, because of 155, radical repression of the Spanish government in the Generalitat de Catalunya and, so, to the culture of the country, avoiding repetitions, as the dragon advanced.

For this order I made the perfumes for

  • from the book El Poema de la Rosa als Llavis (The Poem of the Rose on the Lips) (1923)
    • i el seu esguard (and her gaze)
    • i el vent deixava (and the wind left)
    • Mentre la roba s'eixamora (While the clothes is impregnated)
    • Mocador d'olor (Scented handkerchief)
    • Quin tebi pler (How lukewarm)
    • (What a crane my kite)
    • Seré a ta cambra (I will be in your bedroom, friend)
    • Si anessis lluny If you go far
    • Visca l'amor (Long live love)
  • from Les Conspiracions (The Conspiracies) (1922)
    • El Somni (The Dream)
  • La Gesta dels Estels (The Deed of the Stars) (1922)
    • Mester d'Amor (Master of Love)
    • Divisa
La Rosa als Llavis – p. experimental

At that time I also made one, for pleasure, that fused the: opening and the closing that enveloped El Poema de la Rosa als Llavis (The Poem of the Rose on the Lips) and which I called Perfume of a Poem. During the Papasseit year I presented it on the day he was born: I 16 th May (1894) as a tribute to the poet, so that it could be smelled.

Fire buttons in the heart

the string of love –

but the gods were tattooed there


The other side of the mountain range

has a charm that I have never said

-for the joy that awaits me in every pine tree

he shakes my hand.