Retained impact from my childhood of Desconsol by the sculptor J. Lemon that would end up expressing with the creation of the perfume 1900.
Retained impact from my childhood of Desconsol by the sculptor J. Lemon that would end up expressing with the creation of the perfume 1900.
Tiana Art Lab 24. Perfume is the educational tool of the intangible. the formation of the most restless creative noses in the field of artistic perfumery
Tiana Art Lab 24. Perfume is the educational tool of the intangible. the formation of the most restless creative noses in the field of artistic perfumery
Tiana Art Lab 24. Perfume is the educational tool of the intangible. Seminar led by professional lecturers
Creative perfume inspired by one of the collections of the artist Macu Jordà, muse of the Character of Magic. In front of her collections, I have never been distracted by thought, time closes the door and lets me look without haste.
Fusion of an opening and a closing that envelops the Poema de la Rosa als Llavis de J.S., Papaseit in the creation of Perfum d'un Poema.
Tiana Art Lab following the European Days of Artistic Crafts and in an independent program, will open the world of the artistry of perfumery to the youngest, not as a consumer product, but as a tool of inspiration and artistic expression.
Picture of a Mediterranean home, under the brush of the artist of Tiana Josep Delgado who inspired a creative perfume nominated in the USA with the name Oli sobre Tela.
Collection of perfumed works inspired by Tiana, about literature , art, without forgetting the perfumes of the legend of the day.
Studio of Creative and Experimental Artisan Perfumery. Teaching from proven and internationally recognized experience.