Oil On Canvas

Creative Eau de Parfum

Aquells Estius (Those Summers) Finalist with 3 from 4 stars at the Top Artisan Fragrances Awards in the USA 2022 Aquells estius (Those summers), catalan crafts, Josep Delgado, creative perfume, perfume and paint, natural perfume, Tiana crafter, Tiana and the perfum change language CatalàEnglish Set as default language Edit Translation Social Networking Notes Contact Privacy policy © 2024 El Jardí Secret Successfull copy image Edit Translation Original text (Catalan - Català) Aquells Estius Translate to quells Estius Those Summers (oil on canvas 81 x 60) 2013

The eyes of a Mediterranean home, under the brush of an artist

The bougainvillea marks the welcome, protecting the bareness of the walls and the secrets that whisper through the cozy blue windows, mirror of the Mediterranean.

This work that its author Josep Delgado he titled “Aquells Estius (Those Summers) Finalist with 3 from 4 stars at the Top Artisan Fragrances Awards in the USA 2022 Aquells estius (Those summers), catalan crafts, Josep Delgado, creative perfume, perfume and paint, natural perfume, Tiana crafter, Tiana and the perfum change language CatalàEnglish Set as default language Edit Translation Social Networking Notes Contact Privacy policy © 2024 El Jardí Secret Successfull copy image Edit Translation Original text (Catalan - Català) Aquells Estius Translate to quells Estius Those Summers” (2013), it caught me behind its glasses, immediately.

Amb en Josep vàrem fer una exposició plegats: MediterràniaSens, divuit quadres sobre la Mediterrània es van presentar amb els divuit perfums que em van inspirar.

Expository Eau de Parfum.


25 August 2022

Finalist with 3 from 4 stars at the Top Artisan Fragrances Awards in the USA 2022