Little fingers, Expert hands

Tiana Art Lab arran de les Jornades Europees d’Artesania Artística i en un programa independent, will open the world of the artistry of perfumery to the youngest, not as a consumer product, but as a tool of inspiration and artistic expression.

la Rosa Groga als Llavis (The Yellow Rose on the Lips)

Cities of the Book and The Lied Factory, in a current and groundbreaking interpretation of the legend of Saint George, starting from La Rosa on the lips of Papasseit and Toldrà, where the dragon, threatens repression.

The Library of Lola Anglada

Espectacle singular que es desenvolupa al pati de butaques, on the perfume, as part of the decor in each chapter , stimulates feelings of ethereal angels, memories grandfather and dust on paper books covered with yellowish skin, the wood of the ship in a sea of seaweed and the flowers of the garden.