I expose myself

White hair and dust in the bottles of my essence.

photo taken by @andrearigalós

M'EXPOSO (I EXPOSE MYSELF), comes from a misunderstanding and with this informal origin, I am forced to look at myself, I would say that for the first time, in what has been an increasingly addictive exercise, at times disappointing and surprisingly enlightening.
This autobiographical exhibition, collects six perfumes that speak of origin, sexuality, sadness, harassment, weaknesses, strengths and how it cannot be otherwise, how creation caresses my heart.
Each perfume is illustrated with photographs by Andrea Rigalós and shares the music that has been linked during the creative process of each of them.

photo taken by @andrearigalós

Theme: Stubbornness

Shrapnel Ashes

Theme: Harassment

Trace of Perfume

Theme: Creation

All or Nothing

Theme: Sexuality


Theme: Roots

The Lost Memories

Theme: The past

I expose myself in essence