Esdeveniment europeu que no té en compte l’estructura ni decrets d’Artesania de Catalunya, raó per la que faig un programa independent.

The European Crafts Days are a unique and free event in the world that promotes better recognition of the craft sector.

Of French origin (2002) “Les Journées européens des Métiers d’Art”, the days have spread to other countries (2012).
These are days to connect with the craftsmanship neighboring, through open workshops, exhibitions, talks, workshops and all that brings us to the origin of our cultural identity, while discovering new expressions of evolution, artisans in different areas. Really feel a bit, our cultural heritage alive, often intangible.

2024 Theme “At your fingertips” will be especially aimed at the young audience. Little and big hands will take action and come together around materials and gestures in the different craft scenarios.

The chosen program has been “Little fingers, Expert hands” aimed at 6-10 years

Image made by @sarahmak

Tiana Art Lab within the framework of the European Art Crafts Days and in an independent program, will open the world of the artistry of perfumery to the youngest, not as a consumer product, but as a tool of inspiration and artistic expression.

The different actions will be designed by the experimental school collective or individual group to which it is directed.

2021 It focuses on the subject “construction materials” which results in an experience-rich edition, activities and interactions, both face-to-face and digital.

By my side, I wanted to twin my participation with the literary spirit of the month of April in our country, tying the knowledge transmitted with stories and tales towards which will be the future of our trades and this is how I present “Listen to the trees”.

Listen to the Trees

2017 with the motto “To know(-) make connections”, the link they create with the foundation of the identity of the artistic professions will be highlighted. We are talking about the transmission of the profession and knowledge from teacher to students, neighbors, close group.

Temporary Exhibition at the Lola Anglada Garden, discovering hidden perfumes, created in the organ perfumer of El Jardí Secret®, most inspired by the reflection of Tiana and our country.

A village, a passion, a bottle. Ephemeral Exhibition