
MediterràniaSenss, is a unique exhibition that weaves painting, perfume, poetry and music, within the endearing Mediterranean framework, offering a unique sensory experience.



Josep Delgado – Painter

I dreamed every one of your corners and I impregnated from your magic blue.

Josep Delgado

Read more reflections of Josep Delgado and enjoy his work here

Esperança Cases Prats – Artisan perfumer

Eighteen blank olfactory pyramids that I have been filling, balancing and straightening, driven by the visions of the reflections of our sea, that Josep Delgado has materialized and I have been saving in the Mediterranean amphoras created by the ceramist Mila Cristobal.

El Jardí Secret® amphoras made by ceramist Mila Cristóbal.
Lluís Andrés
Lluís Andrés, poet

Els ulls del pintor (The eyes of the painter)

I els teus que miren (And yours looking);

en el quadre (in the painting),

junts com una llàgrima (together as a tear).

Lluís Andrés

The music of Soleado (Sunny) by trio Sin Distancia (No Distance, it was the one that rounded off the synergy of the four disciplines

Sin Distancia stars musicians and composers:

Manuel Delgado

Ralf Siedhoff

Ernest Martínez


The MediterraneanSens chords
The MediterraneanSens chords

A hundred essences were used to form the chords, in the composition of the creations that showed patients, inside amphorae worked with the sensitive knowledge of ceramist Mila Cristobal.

A total of eighteen perfumes that interpreted the impression that each of Josep Delgado's paintings made on me. Two of them were the key to being chosen one of them 40 perfumers from around the world to make the first designer perfume show in a contemporary art museum, al Hammer Museum the LAX (USA).

Related Information

Perfum experimental al Craftroom
The perfume as art attrezzo
Tiana perfumes at Hammer M
