Bcn Art Lab® Studio

El Jardí Secret® Creative and Experimental Perfumery Studio

Bcn Art Lab®, it opened as the only studio in the territory, where you can make a complete immersion into the unknown world of creative perfumery and experimental.

L’ensenyament parteix de l’experiència demostrada amb els perfums elaborats alguns d’ells nominats i premiats internacionalment. The wide and varied creative trajectory has meant that El Jardí Secret® has opened many closed doors in perfumery, recovering well, the natural artistry of perfumery as art.

The basis of everything is the passion for perfume arises exclusively work with natural materials, they obviously come from the garden of the world.

Students learning much more than the doctrines of perfumery. They develop a synergy with nature by increasing the creativity that facilitates the subjects they discover.

The philosophy of El Jardí Secret® in terms of ethics, is constantly present in the program. It is necessary to emphasize and recognize, misinformation, the bad praxis and the falsifications of what represents the real world of artistic perfumery, which can be very broad, in order to firmly base this incredible trade.

Currently, training takes place in non-profit sectors, basically international, holding under Tiana Art Lab the annual days of creative and experimental perfumery, which can be accessed by invitation.