From 17 May to 1st June 2014 you can enjoy, within the framework of Tiana Tiana 2014, from interpretation of representative pieces from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, the Barroc and Classicism, in four environments charismatic in Tiana:
In these spaces, known artists specializing in ancient music, will offer the mastery of their knowledge.
Ariel Abramovich and Paul Kieffer
Silva Sirens
Catalan Baroque Orchestra
El Jardí Secret. wanted to add to the festival, acclimating concert environment in which it participates, with the perfumes from the time reproducing and spreading in the form of their usual support.
A humble and respectful homage to the music that shares with the perfume part of its language.
Italian music XVIIc
Perfume setting “Tempus Fugit "
In this period the fragrance highlights the social condition of that the exhibits through different stuff wears: clothing, fans, necklaces, handkerchiefs, wigs, gloves …
The fragrance of their perfumes often were obtained by mixing various elements, not always from the plant world…, neither dead… and distilling them afterwards.
The churches kept alive the traditional cremation of resins, wood and aromatic plants Looking for an appropriate environment for ascending and fragrant dialogue with divinity.
Tempus Fugit was inspired by the simplicity of the scented oils lamps subtly, they lit up the collection points, while absorbed the nuance dusty and floral passage of parishioners.
Instruments Medievalsand PulseRope
The medieval art of “Péñola”
“Prop l'ermita (Near the hermitage) perfume setting
The concert includes a wide historical period that the XIIIc. to XV, time that perfumes come back timidly in Europe after a long rejection, promoted by Catholic Church that classifies inadequate achieve the purity of souls.
At this time the stench was prominent in urban centers contrasting with the ephemeral freshness of the large number of aromatic plants and freshly harvested fruits, “Prop l'ermita ", has been prepared based on the maceration oil for recreation of theenvironment vegetal medieval, evoking nature a subtle perfume perception.

Complete program Tiana Antica Festival 2014
