Catalan Craft Week


Experimental Stop and Smell

Activity carried out at Bcn Art Lab®

Experimentation to encourage the recovery of the habit of smelling non-synthetic perfumes for:

  • relive emotions
  • escape from the spaces
  • modify the present
  • to create
  • reject…

with creations elaborated with the complicity of time, for past and avant-garde stories.

30 minutes of your time to rewind the sense of smell, by the hand of experimental crafts, in an emblematic environment preserving the established regulations.


The 7th edition aims to raise awareness of the importance of crafts and their cultural values, cheap, equity and social.

Come to craft your country. Meet our work. Ask us. We are a collective of 2400 People throughout the country, works the crafts of ancient origins, directing them to an art without borders. Search for, experience and enjoy the Catalan handicraft .

in an emblematic environment preserving the established regulations.

El Jardí Secret® as an accredited craft workshop originating from Tiana, presented at the Catalonia Week Crafts, a program of activities to interact with the creative natural perfumes, becoming a historical space (Can Riera), an open workshop .


Of 100 activities to bring accredited crafts closer to the territory, 3 they were made in Tiana and the workshop “Draw a perfume” at the headquarters of Artesania de Catalunya. Impeccably promoted and accompanied by the technicians of Artesania de Catalunya, he sold out the places like most of the ones he organized in a short time..


El Jardí Secret® as an accredited craft workshop originating from Tiana, presented at the Catalonia Week Crafts, a program of activities to interact with the creative natural perfumes, becoming a historical space (Can Riera), an open workshop .

traveling exhibition, opened in France in 2017.
Educational talk
Craft demonstration

Unfortunately, unlike Artesania de Catalunya in the whole of Catalonia, Tiana City Council, is not up to par.

Right from the start, I'm stuck with “Uff” of Marion, culture technique, at the project presentation “Tiana in Perfume Key” so he had to do the bare minimum.

She refused to post the ad we passed on to her, already designed by the 3 activities that would take place in Tiana, to put it to the Tasting and encourage the return of sensitive visitors to the Craft. When asking the reason, they said that during the Tasting, advertising had to be paid for. Ignorant of this tide, the cost of activities that the council did not pay, nor that of two artisans available, nor that of two artisans available.

When the event starts, we didn't even have the key, that we had to complain to the City Council repeatedly.

and for finish, nor the culture team, nor any other from the Consistory, he had the idea to make the journey throughout Catalan Crafts Week, that separates the Town Hall from Can Riera, where the event took place and which can be seen marked in the image.

Uff! Pity