Little fingers, Expert hands

Tiana Art Lab following the European Days of Artistic Crafts and in an independent program, will open the world of the artistry of perfumery to the youngest, not as a consumer product, but as a tool of inspiration and artistic expression.

I expose myself

White hair and dust in the bottles of my essence. M'EXPOSO (I EXPOSE MYSELF), comes from a misunderstanding and with this informal origin, I am forced to look at myself, I would say that for the first time, in what has been an increasingly addictive exercise, sometimes … Continued

Catalan Craft Week

2020 Activity carried out at Bcn Art Lab® Experimentation to encourage the recovery of the habit of smelling non-synthetic perfumes for: with creations elaborated with the complicity of time, for past and avant-garde stories. 30 minutes of your time to rewind … Continued